Associated and intermediate factors between genetic variants of the dopaminergic D2 receptor gene and harmful alcohol use in young adults
Dopamine receptor D2(DRD2) andankyrin repeat and kinase domain-containing protein1(ANKK1) genes have received considerable attention for their involvement inalcohol use disorder (AUD), but many questions remain on their exact role. Weconducted a population-based case–control and genetic association study in a largesample of young adults. Our aim was to assess the association betweenDRD2andANKK1single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and harmful alcohol use,disentangling associated and possible intermediate factors. A total of 1841 collegestudents from the French region Champagne-Ardennes, aged between 18 and21 years and who reported at least one lifetime alcohol consumption, were includedin this study. Allele frequencies were analysed according to harmful alcohol use(assessed through the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test [AUDIT]questionnaire). Different substance use disorders, including nicotine and cannabisdependences, were also assessed through questionnaires, as was a list of potentialassociated factors (e.g., major depressive episode, conduct disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], school failure, sugar consumption, sexualtrauma, parents' use of alcohol, tobacco or cannabis). We found thatDRD2rs1800498 was associated with harmful alcohol use. Many factors were detected,but a global path analysis revealed thatDRD2rs1800498 had a significant directeffect on harmful alcohol use and that early age at first alcohol consumption anddepressive symptoms moderated this effect. This study suggests an interplaybetween harmful alcohol use,DRD2genotypes and other risk factors that, with a fullunderstanding, could be useful for preventive purposes.